Teaching Academy
Faculty Development

Other UF Teaching Support Units

UF Main Teaching Portal

The UF Center for Teaching Excellence addresses teaching excellence in any platform state and to also present the administrative path and teaching support for platform transition.  It is a launch pad for learning about UF centrally-provided teaching resources including training opportunities.

The Center for Instructional Technology and Training

The Center for Instructional Technology & Training (located on Main Campus in Turlington Hall) assists faculty with creating courses for online delivery and includes a staff of instructional designers, training specialists, web developers, and faculty lab consultants. The center provides services to the university in three areas: Instructional Design, Training, and the Faculty Media Lab.

Office of Academic Technology Classroom Support (Classroom “Clickers”)
Classroom technology information, including information about clicker response system, ban be found in the Office of Academic Technology Classroom Support.

Library Services
Information about Copyright Issues in Teaching and Research affecting faculty can be found in this document available through the UF Library System.

Non-UF Teaching-Related Web Sites

The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education is a source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.Based in Washington, D.C., The Chronicle has more than 70 writers, editors, and international correspondents.

New Media Consortium

The NMC Horizon Project, as the centerpiece of the NMC Emerging Technologies Initiative, charts the landscape of emerging technologies for teaching, learning, research, creative inquiry, and information management. Launched in 2002, it epitomizes the mission of the NMC to help educators and thought leaders across the world build upon the innovation happening at their institutions by providing them with expert research and analysis.