Exams and Procedures

Support for all aspects of assessments

The Office for Academic and Student Affairs (ASA) offers support for assessment building, course evaluations, grading and technical assistance during exam sessions. In Spring 2016, the college centralized testing for the professional DVM program, requiring all exams be administered at the College of Veterinary Medicine campus.

Student Resources

Assessment Delivery

The College of Veterinary Medicine proctors approximately 50 course assessments per semester, which are scheduled by ASA. The majority of these assessments are administered electronically via ExamSoft or Canvas. The coordination of written assessments and assignment of proctors is managed by the Coordinator of Testing Services – Alexis Jenkins alexisjenkins@ufl.edu

ExamSoft (Examplify)

ExamSoft is a secure testing solution that is used for high stakes exams. This software enables secure testing on student computers by blocking access to programs, files and Internet usage during the test. ExamSoft is not dependent on an internet connection while testing, which allows it to be used almost anywhere a device can be used. The client (vendor) used for testing students is Examplify.

Canvas (e-Learning)

Canvas (e-Learning) is the learning management system used by the University of Florida. Exams or Quizzes in Canvas will be housed within their respective courses, and organized beneath the ‘Quizzes’ tab within the course.

Device Requirements

The College of Veterinary Medicine requires all students to have access to a laptop with privacy screen, webcam and microphone. Laptops must be capable of meeting minimum system requirements below.

**Chromebooks are not approved devices and not compatible with required programs.

**Virtual cameras and headphones with built-in microphones are not supported.

Laptop Requirements

Feature Minimum Recommended
Processor (Non-ARM-based) Intel Core i3+ , AMD Ryzen 5+, Apple M1+ Multi-core AMD, Intel, M1, or M2 processor
Memory (RAM) 8GB 16GB
Hard Drive (Storage) 256GB or more 512GB or more
Screen Display 1280 x 768 1280 x 768
Internet (Network) Wireless (Wi-Fi 802.11b) Ethernet & Wireless (Wi-Fi 802.11b)
Other Features USB ports, Webcam with integrated microphone USB ports, Webcam with integrated microphone
Accessories Headphones (NON-Bluetooth), Privacy Screen Noise cancelling headphones (NON-Bluetooth), Privacy Screen
Operating System Windows 10 (64-bit), MacOS 13 (Ventura) Windows 10 Pro (64-Bit), MacOS 13 Ventura, MacOS 14 Sonoma or MacOS 15 Sequoia
Software Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader, Examplify, Zoom Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader, Examplify, Zoom
Approved Tablet Devices (Not Required) iPad 5+, iPad Air 3+, iPad Mini 5+ iPad 5+, iPad Pro


  • The versions of Windows certified for use currently are Windows 10 22H2, Windows 11 23H2, and Windows 11 24H2. Operating Systems for Ipad: iPadOS 16, iPadOS 17 and iPadOS 18
  • Many required programs are not compatible within virtualized environments or environments that require persistent network (local or otherwise) connections during secure exams. This includes, but is not limited to, VMWare, Parallels, Citrix workspace, virtual disks, streamed images, etc.
  • Privacy Filter – All students must have a privacy filter for their computer or any other device screen that will be used for exam testing and in-class quizzes.
    • Students may select the privacy filter brand of their choice but two recommended options are 3M and Fellowes.
  • A tablet is NOT required. However, you may use a tablet as a supplemental device to your laptop. iPads and Microsoft Surfaces are the only Examplify compatible device at this time. If you are using a Microsoft Surface device, please read this article for important instructions on Windows 10 and 11 “S mode” versus the standard Windows 10 or 11. S mode is not compatible with Examplify. iPad instructions below
  • UF CVM does not recommend students rely on tablet devices, mobile phones, or Chromebook devices as their primary computer as they do not meet minimum requirements.

Assessment Policies

Full Assessment Policies

Students must bring the following to on-campus exams:

  • Student ID
  • Laptop/iPad with Privacy Screen and Power Cord
  • Pencil or Pen
  • Headphones/ Noise Cancelling Headphones (Non-Bluetooth)

The assessment policies are in place to ensure assessment security, and consistency with all other UF Assessment Facilities. The proctors have the right to verify the identity of any student, communicate absences to the Coordinator of Testing Services and to enforce testing protocols and housekeeping rules. If a student refuses to comply with the rules, the proctor will record the student’s name, and notify the Coordinator of Testing Services. The incident will be brought to the Associate Dean in ASA and course faculty.

In the event of a remote assessment students may be monitored through a remote proctoring service. All students are required to have access to the necessary equipment to utilize the remote proctoring service for remote testing. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they have access to the technology necessary to complete their assessments. The College of Veterinary Medicine reserves the right to update these policies in the event that changes are deemed necessary for the successful continuation of the program. Students will be notified of any changes made to these policies in a timely manner.

Students are expected to notify the assessment staff of any problems or concerns during the exam session. This should occur immediately but it is important that any concerns be reported before submitting the exam or exiting the testing room. If the student fails to notify the testing staff, proper assistance cannot be provided

Arriving Late to an Exam Policy

  • Arrival Time and Grade Reduction:
    •Students are expected to arrive on time for all exams.
    •Students arriving more than 5 minutes late to an exam will incur a 5% reduction in their exam grade.
  • Repeat Offenders:
    •Students who are consistently late to exams, demonstrating a pattern of tardiness, will be referred to the Academic Advancement Committee.
  • Unapproved Absences and Time Extensions:
    •Students must obtain prior approval through the Absence Request Form for any absence that may affect their exam attendance.
    •No time extensions will be given for unapproved absences.

Make-up Assessments

Students who are unable to attend scheduled assessments for reasons consistent with an excused absence policy must submit an Absence Request Form as soon as possible. Non-emergent requests must be submitted 3-4 weeks in advance for ASA to provide approval. Makeups are to be completed within 7 days of the original due date. Additionally, makeup assignments should only be requested for the available dates provided at the beginning of the term.

Process for makeup assessments:

  • Submit Absence Request Form  and provide all requested information
    • Indicate requested makeup date and time from the available options
      • Dates will be provided at the beginning of each term.
      • Written makeup exams will be scheduled during regular campus hours (8:00am-5:00pm)
      • Must be completed within 7 days of the original exam date
  • The student is expected to communicate with the course coordinator about scheduling any makeup assignments, labs, quizzes, or practical exams.
    • For written exams the Coordinator of Testing Services will contact the student to confirm the date and time of the makeup exam, or make alternate date/time arrangements.
  • If the student needs to reschedule a makeup exam, you must put in an additional absence request and notify the Coordinator of Testing Services directly, and this will count as an additional absence.
  • Students are expected to attend at least 85% of all required labs, discussion sections, and attendance required lectures (if designated by course coordinator) in the curriculum each semester. Students are also expected to attend at least 85% of all exams/assessments as scheduled each semester. If a student should miss 15% or more of the required activities (these will be evaluated as labs/discussions and assessments) in a single semester (whether absences are excused or unexcused), they will be required to meet with the Academic Advancement Committee.  All absences (approved or not) will count to calculate your attendance.
  • The requests will be reviewed by the Academic and Student Affairs Office and the student will be notified of the decision to approve or disapprove the absence within 2-3 business days. 

Students with Assessment Accommodations

The College can facilitate some testing accommodations on CVM campus, and a wider range at the Disability Resource Testing Center.  Additional testing time, breaks, and smaller testing groups can be facilitated at CVM campus for students with assessment accommodations. We are unable to facilitate separate (individual) testing rooms at CVM due to limited space. The coordination of these accommodated assessments are managed by both the Curriculum Coordinator – Sabrina Barot (sbarot@ufl.edu) and Coordinator of Testing Services – Alexis Jenkins (alexisjenkins@ufl.edu) in ASA.

Testing Accommodation Request Process:

  • Contact CVM Curriculum Coordinator for information
  • Make appointment with DRC Learning Specialist and establish any necessary accommodations
  • Obtain official accommodation letter from DRC Learning Specialist
  • Submit copy of accommodation letter to CVM Curriculum Coordinator
  • Meet with CVM Curriculum Coordinator to discuss adjusted exam schedule and policies
  • Student must submit updated accommodation letter every term.

Honor Code

Assessment takers are bound by the University of Florida Honor Code summarized by the following statement:

“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid during this examination.”

Electronic devices, including “databank” watches, etc. are not allowed at any time. Calculators may be allowed at the discretion of the course director. Use of ANY other electronic devices during an assessment will be considered academic dishonesty.

The assessment staff use an electronic system to track anomalies of all types, including suspected academic dishonesty and violations of the procedures outlined in this document. This information is periodically shared with the Office for Academic and Student Affairs (ASA) and corrective action will be taken as needed.