Student Clubs

The College of Veterinary Medicine encourages veterinary medical students to participate in student clubs as a way to be involved, network with students and faculty, and enhance their future career goals. The college offers multiple clubs to suit various interests and specialties in the field. More information regarding club requirements is available in the Student Handbook.

  • Alpha Psi Professional Veterinary Fraternity, Xi Chapter – Alpha Psi is a national veterinary fraternity. The mission of Alpha Psi Fraternity, Xi Chapter is to provide a venue for social interaction between students, faculty, and staff, to promote a stronger bond between the veterinary colleges, and to participate in community outreach events.
  • Aquatic Animal Health Club (UF AAHC) – AAHC provides exposure to many facets of aquatic animal medicine through professional networking, guest speakers, field trips to local facilities, and wet labs. AAHC also cares for several freshwater and saltwater fish tanks on campus.
  • Companion Animal, Behavior and Dentistry Club (CABD) – Our club aims to have meetings and wet labs each semester to enhance student learning of dentistry, behavior, and various other topics in companion animal medicine. Our wet labs include taking and interpreting dental radiographs and practicing dental extractions.
  • Christian Veterinary Fellowship (CVF) – CVF is a club that aims to equip and encourage veterinary students to build relationships with others through the use of their faith and love of veterinary medicine. All individuals are welcome to be a part of our club and we would love to have you join us! We hold weekly Bible studies and occasional get-togethers to fellowship with one another.
  • Conservation Research & Epidemiology of Wildlife (CREW), Florida Student Chapter of the American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians – CREW encourages veterinary student involvement in the field of wildlife health through conservation medicine and provide additional opportunities for its associates to gain professional knowledge in this field. To build friendships, promote animal welfare, and generate public interest in wildlife conservation.
  • CVM Congregators – Serve as UF CVM’s Student Ambassadors and are responsible for representing the college at events, college tours, conferences, marketing, and student panels.
  • Latinx Veterinary Medical Association (LVMA) – Our purpose is to empower Latinx/Hispanic students and professionals in veterinary medicine and support aspiring veterinarians to better serve client demographics or “the next generation of Latinx/Hispanic veterinarians”. To increase visibility of Latinx/Hispanic veterinarians and students and create networking opportunities for Latinx/Hispanic, or any veterinary professionals and students.
  • Pets Are Wonderful Support (PAWS) – P.A.W.S. is a once-monthly veterinary clinic run by veterinary student volunteers at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. We aim to improve the quality of life for people with disabling illnesses in Alachua Count by offering free basic veterinary care.
  • Project HEAL Veterinary Division (Health Extension and Learning) – Project HEAL has yearly veterinary mission trips to Ecuador to help local communities with their animal population by providing free veterinary care! We fundraise throughout the year with dog washes held at the veterinary school. It’s the perfect opportunity for anyone who wants to gain hands-on experience and travel!
  • Student American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA) – SAVMA is a national organization comprised of 37 chapters and over 17,000 veterinary students. SAVMA was established in 1969 to introduce students to organized veterinary medicine and provide students the opportunity to impact the future of the profession with the collaboration of SAVMA’s parent organization, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
  • Student Association of Veterinary Oncology (SAVO) – SAVO is a student-run organization that is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of veterinary oncology for students to better equip them in their future professional careers. We aim to educate members on topics relating to oncology, as well as provide students opportunities to gain experience in the field.
  • Student Association of Veterinary Surgery (SAVS) – SAVS provides its members with opportunities to hone in their surgical skills through opportunities such as talks with experts, surgical skill wet labs and running the On-Call emergency surgery and dystocia teams in the Small Animal Hospital.
  • Student Chapter of American Association of Bovine Practitioners/ Food Animal Club (SCAABP/FAC) – Food Animal Club hosts a variety of lectures and wet labs focused on food animal medicine. At our events you’ll learn about animal handling and care, palpating, up-and-coming technologies, and more!
  • Student Chapter of American Association of Equine Practitioners (SCAAEP) – Our club is geared towards those wanting to learn more about equine medicine and surgery! We have 1-2 meetings per month on topics ranging from imaging to colic surgery. We also have monthly wet labs on things like endoscopy, bandaging, and joint injections.
  • Student Chapter of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (SCACVP, Pathology Club) – We host events related to clinical and anatomic pathology, whether it be guest speakers, necropsies, clinical cases, and tours of pathology labs! We love having speakers from all types of medicine ranging from zoo, avian, aquatic, and small animal, so there is a little something for everyone no matter what species you’re interested in! Pathology is a great way to become a better diagnostician, veterinarian, or just tie classes together!
  • Student Chapter of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (SCAHVMA, Integrative Medicine/Holistic Club) – A club to explore and learn about integrative medicine in veterinary medicine. Topics range from acupuncture, underwater treadmill, therapeutic exercises, laser, shock wave, PRP, and other modalities. The club also tries to inform students about the sports medicine aspect of the field as well!
  • Student Chapter of the Association of Shelter Veterinarians (SCASV) – The mission of the ASV is to advance and support the practice of shelter medicine in order to improve community animal health and well-being. SCASV is here to promote this mission by educating veterinary students through guest presentations, wet labs, and more.
  • Student Chapter of the National Association for Black Veterinarians (SNABV) – Our goal is for said students to find a support system, connect with leaders that can relate to the experience of being a black professional in this field, and promote positive community involvement that will maintain a beneficial school-community relationship within and outside the veterinary field.
  • Student Chapter of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (SCVDI) – We explore topics in diagnostic imaging, including radiography, ultrasonography, endoscopy, CT, and MRI.
  • Student Chapter of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society/ Student Chapter of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (SCVECCS/SCACVIM) – The University of Florida SVECCS/SCACVIM is a student non-profit organization associated with the College of Veterinary Medicine. We are approved to operate by the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society and the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and maintained under their guidance. Through integrating the student chapters of these two national organizations, we hope to expand our knowledge in both specialties, which are used synchronously in many medical situations in small and large animal medicine, cardiology, neurology, and oncology.
  • Student Chapter of the Society for Theriogenology (Therio Club) – Therio Club provides opportunities for students interested in the specialty of theriogenology (reproductive medicine.) We have meetings and wet labs that center on all aspects of breeding and clinical reproductive medicine of all species.
  • Students for International Veterinary Opportunities (SIVO) – SIVO is a club for veterinary students in conjunction with UF veterinarians. We travel each summer to the island of Roatan, Honduras, to put on a 3-day wellness and spay/neuter clinic free of charge for the local people. It is tons of fun and a great cause!
  • UF Team VetMed Cycling – Each year, our team of UFCVM faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends participate in the Gainesville Cycling Festival’s Horse Farm Hundred (a 100-mile bike ride) to raise scholarship money for our veterinary students through corporate, small business, and individual sponsorships. The club encourages students to practice physical wellness and network with fellow students, faculty, and alumni. All students that participate in club activities are eligible for yearly scholarship opportunities. 
  • Veterinarians Active in Research (VAR) – The purpose of Veterinarians Active in Research is to aid veterinary students with finding research opportunities at University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine and increase awareness about the importance of research to the progression of veterinary knowledge.
  • Veterinarians in One Health (VOH) – One Health is a global initiative to achieve optimal health for three pillars – animals, humans, and the environment. As future veterinarians, we play a huge role in One Health because, not only do we handle the health and welfare of all animals, we also work closely with public health, food safety, and security, prevention, control of diseases, wildlife management, disaster response, and so much more! VOH is focused on sharing the importance of the One Health approach and our future role within it.
  • Veterinary Alliance for Leadership, Inclusion, and Diversity (VALID) – We are an organization run by DVM students at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. We work closely with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee to work on projects that promote diversity at UF CVM. Our main goals are to educate others on topics regarding diversity and inclusion in veterinary medicine, to empower those from under-represented communities, and to promote an open, safe, and inclusive environment at UF CVM.
  • Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA) – The Veterinary Business Management Association is a student-driven organization dedicated to advancing the profession through increasing business knowledge, creating networking opportunities, and empowering students to achieve their personal and professional goals.
  • Veterinary Graduate Student Association (VGSA) – We are a student led organization to which works to promote fellowship among CVM graduate students, encourage communication of research and new ideas, and educate on the many opportunities at UF and outside of UF. We also advocate for graduate student needs, and we are a place for students to bring their concerns. We meet monthly for informative seminars usually with lunch, and we also host monthly socials and annual events!
  • Veterinary Ophthalmology and Neurology Club (VONC) – Helps introduce students to a field that is not commonly touched upon in other organizations. Members of this club will gain professional knowledge of ophthalmology and neurology from veterinarians in the field from all over the country. They will also receive hands-on experience through our wet labs with these field specialists. This club will hopefully inspire the next generation of veterinary ophthalmologists and neurologists to improve the lives of veterinary patients and clients.
  • Veterinary Society of Herpetology (VSH) – The goal of Veterinary Society of Herpetology (VSH) is to serve as a UFCVM Club dedicated to the branch of veterinary medicine that encompasses reptiles and amphibians. VSH will serve to get students involved into this aspect of veterinary medicine by meeting other like-minded students and faculty while also meeting other veterinarians in this field around Florida, US, and the World. Florida is an exotic state, in which it serves as one of the biggest states with reptile pet owners. VSH will get students hands on techniques with wet labs and meetings about current reptile/amphibian medicine that is currently being practiced. Attending conferences and seminars will also help broaden future veterinarians what to do if a scaly or slimy friend enters the clinic.
  • Wildlife Zoological, and Avian Animal Medicine Club (WZAAM) – The Wildlife, Zoological, and Avian Animal Medicine club (WZAAM) is a student-run organization dedicated to providing members with opportunities and experiences related to wildlife, zoological, avian/reptile, and other non-domestic animal medicine. We host meetings, lunch rounds, and wet labs with experienced clinicians who share their stories and real-life cases to expose us to exotic animal medicine.