Mistreatment Report

This report is confidential and while it can be filed anonymously, you are encouraged to provide contact information so the incident can be more fully reviewed. The College of Veterinary Medicine is required to report incidents incongruent of Title IX guidelines to the University Title IX office. Behaviors listed below committed by a faculty member, house staff, patient, other student, or other staff can be reported through this mechanism.

"*" indicates required fields

i. *Please note that based on the facts involved, some incidents may fall under Title IX and will require investigation as indicated below in #4
4. The following behaviors are unprofessional and constitute mistreatment. They are also are subject to Title IX reporting. Please check all that apply.
• Please note: All Title IX investigations are confidential. Students are encouraged to provide contact information so the incident can be fully investigated. The university has a responsibility and an obligation to fully investigate this type of incident, counsel the impacted student and provide options for next steps. The University Title IX Process can be found in this link: https://titleix.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/10-17-University-of-Florida-Title-IX-Process-1.pdf. The Title IX website can be found at https://titleix.ufl.edu/
6. This event occurred in association with which of the following?
9. Please select from the following list when you want a review of the event to begin. Please note that in situations where the safety of a person is at risk, the investigation will begin immediately. Additionally, in situations where a Title IX infraction may have occurred, the Title IX office must be notified right away, but the student still has the option to delay any interventions.*
10. I would like the following to initiate the review of this incident. (You may select up to two)*