Thank you for your interest in applying to the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. This page is designed to help you determine course equivalency when verifying your prerequisite courses.
Our office reviews all courses during the application process for students who make it past the academic assessment (GPAs). This means if you are applying to a current cycle, we will verify all coursework and let you know if there are any discrepancies. All information regarding prerequisite courses can be found here. After reviewing the UF course codes, you can compare your undergraduate course description/syllabus against UF’s course catalog:
If you are still unsure if your course is equivalent to UF’s requirements, you may fill out this form below and our office will try and verify it for you as soon as possible.
Note: Do not use this form for completed courses, as we review your course equivalency when you apply to our program. You may use this form for planned or future courses. Please expect up to one to two weeks delay in responses.